Episode 18: A Moving Meditation to Remove Creative Blocks and Increase Creative Flow
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In this episode I share a fun and effective moving meditation practice called shaking meditation. This is a little bit different than meditations you may be used to because we'll be standing up and moving our bodies. This practice is really great for moving anything that has been kind of stuck in the body and releasing tension. For today's meditation, I've customized it specifically for creatives who are experiencing a creative block or someone who is wanting to access more creative flow in their life.
With that in mind, you can set your own intention for the practice if that doesn't really resonate with you.
But the intention I'll offer today is I release any stuck energy or blockages and open myself up to a greater flow of creativity.
About the Podcast
Trying to figure out where to start on stepping into your own magic? Check out my free mini workshop on Finding your Core Values + Aligned Goal Setting here.
Say hi over on instagram at @steppingintoyourmagic 👋